News Detail


Jan, 2024

Facts- Little League player AGE

All divisions of Little League Softball® utilize the age determination date of December 31/January 1; whereas, a player’s “league age” is their actual age as of December 31 of the previous year.

All divisions of Little League Baseball® 
utilize an age determination date of August 31/September 1; whereas, a player’s “league age” is their actual age as of August 31 of the current year. 

What your players Little League age? Please use the links below to find your answer



Eligible participants of Mid-East Little League must be residents that live within the Maplewood School boundaries

Local Sponsors

FCV Mid-East Little League (MELL)

34789 Tryonville Road, Treasurer's Office
Townville, Pennsylvania 16360

Phone: 814-673-2486

Email: [email protected]